Source code for trajpy.traj_generator

import numpy as np

[docs]def weierstrass_mandelbrot(t, n_displacements, alpha): """ Calculates the weierstrass mandelbrot function .. math:: W(t) = \\sum_{n=-\\infty}^{\\infty} \\frac{\\cos{(\\phi_n )} - \\cos{(\\gamma^n t^* + \\phi_n )} }{\\gamma^{n\\alpha/2}} \\, . :param t: time step :param n_displacements: number of displacements :param alpha: anomalous exponent :return: anomalous step """ gamma = np.sqrt(np.pi) t_star = (2. * np.pi * t) / n_displacements wsm = 0. for iteration in range(-8, 49): # [-8, 48] phi = 2. * np.random.rand() * np.pi wsm += (np.cos(phi) - np.cos(np.power(gamma, iteration) * t_star + phi)) / \ (np.power(gamma, iteration * (alpha / 2.))) return wsm
[docs]def anomalous_diffusion(n_steps, n_samples, time_step, alpha): """ Generates an ensemble of anomalous trajectories. :param n_steps: total number of steps :param n_samples: number of simulations :param time_step: time step :param alpha: anomalous exponent :return x, y: time, array containing N_sample trajectories with Nsteps """ x = np.zeros(n_steps) * time_step y = np.zeros((n_steps, n_samples)) for i_sample in range(0, n_samples): for i_step in range(0, n_steps): t = i_step * time_step y[i_step, i_sample] = weierstrass_mandelbrot(t, n_steps, alpha=alpha) x[i_step] = t if n_samples == 1: y = y.transpose()[0] return x, y
[docs]def normal_distribution(u, D, dt): """ This is the steplength probability density function for normal diffusion. :param u: absolute distance travelled by the particle durint the time interval dt :param D: diffusivity :param dt: time interval :return pdf: probability density function """ diff = 4. * D * dt pdf = ((2. * u) / diff) * np.exp(-np.power(u, 2) / diff) return pdf
[docs]def normal_diffusion(n_steps, n_samples, dx, y0, D, dt): """ Generates an ensemble of normal diffusion trajectories. :param n_steps: total steps :param n_samples: number of trajectories :param dx: maximum step length :param y0: starting position :param D: diffusivity :param dt: time step :return x, y: time, array containing N_samples trajectories with N_steps """ y = np.zeros((n_steps, n_samples)) x = np.linspace(0, n_steps, n_steps) y[0, :] = y0 for i_sample in range(0, n_samples): i_step = 1 while True: if i_step >= n_steps: break random_number = np.random.rand() u = (0.5 - random_number) * dx # step length and direction if random_number >= normal_distribution(np.abs(u), D, dt): y[i_step, i_sample] = y[i_step-1, i_sample] + u i_step += 1 return x, y
[docs]def confined_diffusion(radius, n_steps, n_samples, dx, y0, D, dt): """ Generates trajectories under confinement. :param radius: confinement radius :param n_steps: number of displacements :param n_samples: number of trajectories :param dx: displacement :param y0: initial position :param D: diffusion coefficient :param dt: time step :return x, y: time, array containing N_samples trajectories with N_steps """ y = np.zeros((n_steps, n_samples)) x = np.linspace(0, n_steps, n_steps) y[0, :] = y0 sub_step = 0.0 for i_sample in range(0, n_samples): for i_step in range(0, n_steps): sub_x, sub_y = normal_diffusion(n_steps=100, n_samples=1, dx=dx, y0=sub_step, D=D, dt=dt) if sub_y[-1] < radius: t = i_step * dt y[i_step, i_sample] = sub_y[-1] sub_step = sub_y[-1] x[i_step] = t return x, y
[docs]def superdiffusion(velocity, n_steps, n_samples, y0, dt): """ Generates direct diffusion trajectories. Combine pairwise with normal diffusion components. :param velocity: constant velocity :param n_steps: number of time steps :param n_samples: number of trajectories :param y0: initial position :param dt: time interval :return x, y: time, array containing N_samples trajectories with N_steps """ y = np.zeros((n_steps, n_samples)) x = np.linspace(0, n_steps, n_steps) y[0, :] = y0 for i_sample in range(0,n_samples): for i_step in range(1, n_steps): y[i_step, i_sample] = y[i_step-1, i_sample] + velocity * dt x[i_step] = i_step * dt return x, y
[docs]def save_to_file(y, param, path): """ Saves the trajectories to a file. :param y: trajectory array :param param: a parameter that characterizes the kind of trajectory :param path: path to the folder where the file will be saved """ for n in range(0, len(y[:, 0])): np.savetxt(path + '/traj' + str(np.round(param, decimals=1)) + str(n) + '.csv', y[:, n], delimiter=',', header='m')