Source code for trajpy.trajpy

import numpy as np
import trajpy.auxiliar_functions as aux
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import warnings

[docs]class Trajectory(object): """ This is the main class object in trajpy. It can be initialized as a dummy object for calling its functions or you can initialize it with a trajectory array or csv file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, trajectory=np.zeros((1, 2)), box_length=None, **params): """ Initialization function that can be left blank for using staticmethods. It can be initialized with an array with shape (N, dim) where dim is the number of spatial dimensions plus the time component. The first column must be the time, followed by the x- and y-axis. It also accepts tuples (t, x, y) or csv files. The trajectory will be split between the temporal component self._t and the spatial axis self._r. :param trajectory: 2D trajectory as a function of time (t, x, y) :param params: use params for passing parameters into np.genfromtxt() """ if type(trajectory) == str: trajectory = np.genfromtxt(trajectory, **params) if type(trajectory) == np.ndarray: self._t, self._r = trajectory[:, 0], trajectory[:, 1:] elif type(trajectory) == tuple: self._t, self._r = np.asarray(trajectory[0]), np.asarray(trajectory[1:]) else: raise TypeError('trajectory receives an array or a filename as input.') if box_length != None: self._r = aux.unfold(self._r[0], self._r, box_length) self.msd_ta = None # time-averaged mean squared displacement self.msd_ea = None # ensemble-averaged mean squared displacement self.msd_ratio = None self.anomalous_exponent = None self.fractal_dimension = None self.eigenvalues = None self.gyration_radius = None self.asymmetry = None self.straightness = None self.anisotropy = None self.kurtosis = None self.gaussianity = None self.msd_ratio = None self.efficiency = None self.confinement_probability = None self.diffusivity = None self._r0 = None # maximum distance between any two points of the trajectory
[docs] def compute_features(self): """ Compute every feature for the trajectory saved in self._r. :return features: return the values of the features as a string. """ self.msd_ta = self.msd_time_averaged(self._r, np.arange(len(self._r))) self.msd_ea = self.msd_ensemble_averaged(self._r) self.msd_ratio = self.msd_ratio_(self.msd_ta, n1=2, n2=10) self.anomalous_exponent = self.anomalous_exponent_(self.msd_ea, self._t) self.fractal_dimension, self._r0 = self.fractal_dimension_(self._r) self.gyration_radius = self.gyration_radius_(self._r) self.eigenvalues, self.eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(self.gyration_radius) self.eigenvalues[::-1].sort() # the eigenvalues must be in the descending order self._idx = self.eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1] # getting the position of the principal eigenvector self.kurtosis = self.kurtosis_(self._r, self.eigenvectors[self._idx[0]]) self.anisotropy = self.anisotropy_(self.eigenvalues) self.straightness = self.straightness_(self._r) self.gaussianity = self.gaussianity_(self._r) self.efficiency = self.efficiency_(self._r) features = (str(np.round(self.anomalous_exponent, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.msd_ratio, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.fractal_dimension, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.anisotropy, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.kurtosis, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.straightness, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.gaussianity, 4)) + ',' + str(np.round(self.efficiency, 4))) return features
[docs] @staticmethod def msd_time_averaged(trajectory, tau): """ calculates the time-averaged mean squared displacement .. math:: \\langle \\mathbf{r}_{\\tau}^2 \\rangle = \\frac{1}{T-\\tau} \\sum_{t=1}^{N-\\tau} |\\mathbf{x}_{t+\\tau} - \\mathbf{x}_{\\tau} |^2 where :math:`\\tau` is the time interval (time lag) between the two positions and :math:`T is total trajectory time length. :param trajectory: trajectory array :param tau: time lag, it can be a single value or an array :return msd: time-averaged MSD """ if type(tau) == int: tau = np.asarray([tau]) msd = np.zeros(len(tau)) time_lag = 0 for value in tau: dx = [] for n in range(0, len(trajectory) - value): dx.append(trajectory[n + value] - trajectory[n]) dx = np.asarray(dx) msd[time_lag] = np.sum(np.power(dx, 2)) / (trajectory.size - value + 1) time_lag += 1 return msd
[docs] @staticmethod def msd_ensemble_averaged(trajectory): """ calculates the ensemble-averaged mean squared displacement .. math:: \\langle \\mathbf{r}^2 \\rangle (t) = \\frac{1}{N-1} \\sum_{n=1}^N |\\mathbf{x}_{n}-\\mathbf{x}_0|^2 where :math:`N` is the number of trajectories, :math:`\\mathbf{r}_n(t)` is the position of the trajectory :math:`n` at time :math:`t`. :return msd: ensemble-averaged msd """ msd = np.zeros(len(trajectory)) for n in range(0, len(trajectory)): msd[n] = np.sum(np.power(trajectory[n] - trajectory[0], 2)) msd = msd / (len(trajectory) - 1) return msd
[docs] @staticmethod def msd_ratio_(msd_ta, n1, n2): """ Ratio of the ensemble averaged mean squared displacements. .. math:: \\langle r^2 \\rangle_{\\tau_1, \\tau_2} = \\frac{\\langle r^2 \\rangle_{\\tau_1 }} {\\langle r^2 \\rangle_{\\tau_2 }} - \\frac{\\tau_1}{\\tau_2} with .. math:: \\tau_1 < \\tau_2 :return msd_ratio: """ msd_ratio = msd_ta[n1]/msd_ta[n2] - n1/n2 return msd_ratio
[docs] @staticmethod def anomalous_exponent_(msd, time_lag): """ Calculates the diffusion anomalous exponent .. math:: \\beta = \\frac{ \\partial \\log{ \\left( \\langle x^2 \\rangle \\right)} }{ \\partial (\\log{(t)}) } :param msd: mean square displacement :param time_lag: time interval :return: diffusion nomalous exponent """ msd_log = np.log(msd[1:]) time_log = np.log(time_lag[1:]) x, y = time_log, msd_log x = x.reshape(-1, 1) reg = LinearRegression(), y) anomalous_exponent = np.round(reg.coef_[0], decimals=2) return anomalous_exponent
[docs] @staticmethod def fractal_dimension_(trajectory): """ Estimates the fractal dimension of the trajectory .. math:: \\frac{\\log{(N)} }{ \\log{(dNL^{-1})}} :return fractal_dimension: returns the fractal dimension """ dr = np.zeros(np.power(len(trajectory), 2)) # calculating the distance between each pair of points in the trajectory n_distance = 0 for i_pos in range(0, len(trajectory) - 1): for j_pos in range(i_pos + 1, len(trajectory) - 1): dr[n_distance] = np.sum(np.power(trajectory[i_pos] - trajectory[j_pos], 2)) n_distance += 1 d_max = np.sqrt(np.max(dr)) # maximum distance between any two points of the trajectory n_points = trajectory.size length = 0 diff = np.zeros(trajectory.shape) for i_pos in range(0, len(trajectory) - 1): diff[i_pos] = np.round(trajectory[i_pos + 1], decimals=2) \ - np.round(trajectory[i_pos], decimals=2) length += np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(diff[i_pos], 2))) fractal_dimension = np.round(np.log(n_points) / (np.log(n_points) + np.log(d_max * np.power(length, -1))), decimals=2) return fractal_dimension, d_max
[docs] @staticmethod def gyration_radius_(trajectory): """ Calculates the gyration radius tensor of the trajectory .. math:: R_{mn} = \\frac{1}{2N^2} \\sum_{i=1}^N \\sum_{j=1}^N \\left( r_{m}^{(i)} - r_{m}^{(j)} \\right)\\left( r_{n}^{(i)} - r_{n}^{(j)} \\right)\\, , where :math:`N` is the number of segments of the trajectory, :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` is the :math:`i`-th position vector along the trajectory, :math:`m` and :math:`n` assume the values of the corresponding coordinates along the directions :math:`x, y, z`. :return gyration_radius: tensor """ dim = trajectory.shape[1] # number of dimensions r_gyr = np.zeros((dim, dim)) # gyration radius tensor r_mean = np.mean(trajectory, axis=0) for m in range(0, dim): for n in range(0, dim): r_gyr[m, n] = np.sum(np.matmul(trajectory[:, m] - r_mean[m], trajectory[:, n] - r_mean[n])) gyration_radius = np.sqrt(np.abs(r_gyr/trajectory.size)) return gyration_radius
[docs] @staticmethod def asymmetry_(eigenvalues): """ Takes the eigenvalues of the gyration radius tensor to estimate the asymmetry between axis. .. math:: a = - \\log{ \\left(1 - \\frac{ ( \\lambda_1 - \\lambda_2)^2}{2 ( \\lambda_1 + \\lambda_2)^2} \\right)} :param eigenvalues: eigenvalues of the gyration radius tensor :return: asymmetry coefficient """ if len(eigenvalues) == 2: eigenvalues[::-1].sort() # the eigen values must the in the descending order asymmetry = - np.log(1. - np.power(eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[1], 2) / (2. * np.power(eigenvalues[0] + eigenvalues[1], 2))) else: raise IndexError("This function is meant for 2D trajectories only.") return asymmetry
[docs] @staticmethod def anisotropy_(eigenvalues): """ Calculates the trajectory anisotropy using the eigenvalues of the gyration radius tensor. .. math:: a^2 = 1 - 3 \\frac{\\lambda_1\\lambda_2 + \\lambda_2 \\lambda_3 + \\lambda_3\\lambda_1 }{(\\lambda_1+\\lambda_2+\\lambda_3)^2} """ eigenvalues[::-1].sort() # the eigen values must the in the descending order anisotropy = 1. - 3. * ((eigenvalues[0] * eigenvalues[1] + eigenvalues[1] * eigenvalues[2] + eigenvalues[2] * eigenvalues[0]) / np.power(np.sum(eigenvalues[:]), 2)) return anisotropy
[docs] @staticmethod def straightness_(trajectory): """ Estimates how much straight is the trajectory .. math:: S = \\frac{|\\mathbf{x}_{N-1} -\\mathbf{x}_0 |} { \\sum_{i=1}^{N-1} |\\mathbf{x}_i - \\mathbf{x}_{i-1}|} :return straightness: measure of linearity """ summation = 0. for i_pos in range(1, len(trajectory) - 1): summation += np.sqrt([i_pos] - trajectory[i_pos - 1], trajectory[i_pos] - trajectory[i_pos - 1])) straightness = np.sqrt([-1] - trajectory[0], trajectory[-1] - trajectory[0]))/summation return straightness
[docs] @staticmethod def kurtosis_(trajectory, eigenvector): """ We obtain the kurtosis by projecting each position of the trajectory along the main principal eigenvector of the radius of gyration tensor :math:`r_i^p = \\mathbf{r} \\cdot \\hat{e}_1` and then calculating the quartic moment .. math:: K = \\frac{1}{N} \\sum_{i=1}^N \\frac{ \\left(r_i^p - \\langle r^p \\rangle \\right)^4}{\\sigma_{r^p}^4} \\, , where :math:`\\langle r^p \\rangle` is the mean position of the projected trajectory and :math:`\\sigma_{r^p}^2` is the variance. The kurtosis measures the peakiness of the distribution of points in the trajectory. :return kurtosis: K """ N = len(trajectory) r_projection = np.zeros(N) for n, position in enumerate(trajectory): r_projection[n] =, eigenvector) mean_ = r_projection.mean() std_ = r_projection.std() r_projection -= mean_ kurtosis = (1./N) * np.sum(np.power(r_projection,4))/np.power(std_, 4) return kurtosis
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussianity_(trajectory): """ measure of how close to a gaussian distribution is the trajectory. .. math:: g(n) = \\frac{ \\langle r_n^4 \\rangle }{2 \\langle r_n^2 \\rangle^2} :return gaussianity: measure of similarity to a gaussian function """ fourth_order = aux.moment_(trajectory, 4) second_order = aux.moment_(trajectory, 2) gaussianity = (2/3) * (fourth_order/second_order) - 1 return gaussianity
[docs] @staticmethod def confinement_probability_(r0, D, t): """ Estimate the probability of Brownian particle with diffusivity :math:`D` being trapped in the interval :math:`[-r0, +r0]` after a period of time t. .. math:: P(r, D, t) = \\int_{-r_0}^{r_0} p(r, D, t) \\mathrm{d}r :param r: position :param D: diffusivity :param t: time length :return probability: probability of the particle being confined """ x = np.zeros(2 * r0) for N in range(-r0, r0): x[r0 + N] = aux.einstein_diffusion_probability(N, D, t) probability = np.sum(x) return probability
[docs] @staticmethod def efficiency_(trajectory): """ Calculates the efficiency of the movement, a measure that is related to the straightness. .. math:: E = \\frac{|\\mathbf{x}_{N-1} - \\mathbf{x}_{0}|^2 } { (N-1) \\sum_{i=1}^{N-1} |\\mathbf{x}_{i} - \\mathbf{x}_{i-1}|^2 } :return efficiency: trajectory efficiency. """ den = 0. for n in range(1, len(trajectory)): den += np.sum(np.power(trajectory[n] - trajectory[n - 1], 2)) efficiency = np.sum(np.power(trajectory[-1] - trajectory[0], 2)) / \ ((len(trajectory) - 1) * den) return efficiency
[docs] @staticmethod def diffusivity_(msd_ta, timelag, ndim): """ Calculates the short-time diffusivity for a gaussian trajectory TODO: generalize for fractal diffusion using Green-Kubo relation .. math:: D = \\frac{1}{2 n} \\frac{\\partial \\mathrm{TAMSD}}{\\partial t} where :math:`n` is the dimensionality. :param msd: ensemble averaged mean squared displacement :param timelag: time-lag :param ndim: number of dimensions :return diffusivity: short-time diffusion coefficient D """ warnings.warn('This function only works properly for normal diffusion.') reg = LinearRegression(),1), msd_ta) diffusivity = np.round(reg.coef_[0], decimals=2)/(2*ndim) return diffusivity